Covidian Socioeconomics and the “World After”: Reflections Under a Lockdown

He who refuses to be involved in politics must endure to being ruled by inferior people“, Plato.

In the present horrific times of the insidious Covid-19 pandemic, our foremost thoughts and affections are with those among us who have passed away, felt seriously ill and are less privileged to withstand the current dire straits without much loss of income and opportunity.

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Economics as a Dismal Science, Episode 1. How the Unnatural Becomes Natural

The fascination with the “Natural” and/or “Ideal” of economists of the dominant group that views economics as a purely positive science (void of historical, philosophical and sociological building blocks) like the “Physics of the Society”, as the Nobel laureate James Tobin famously wrote and criticised, is longstanding (see for example, the (in)famous Natural Rate of Unemployment by which fallible technocratic Deities confine a changing percentage of the active workforce to the reserve army of labourers; the latter is brutally exploited by the neoliberal  socioeconomic configuration of our doom-laden era).

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