
Everything has been thought of before, the challenge is to think of it again.

Selected Publications and Working Papers

  • Hatgioannides, J., Karanassou, M. and H.Sala (2019). Should the Rich be Taxed More? The Fiscal Inequality Coefficient. Journal of Economic Issues, vol. 53 (3), pp. 881-889. Download.
  • Karanassou, M. and D.J.Snower. (1998). How Labour Market Flexibility Affects Unemployment: Long-Term Implications of the Chain Reaction Theory. Economic Journal, 108, pp. 832-849.


  • Hatgioannides, J., Karanassou, M., Sala.H, Karanasos, M. and P.D. Koutroumpis (2018). The Legacy of a Fractured Eurozone: The Greek Dra(ch)ma. Geoforum, 93, pp. 11-21.


  • Bande, R. and M.Karanassou (2013). The Natural rate of Unemployment Hypothesis and the Evolution of Regional Disparities in Spanish Unemployment. Urban Studies, 50 (10), pp. 2044-2062.




  • Karanassou, M., Sala, H. and D.J.Snower (2005). A Reappraisal of the Inflation-Unemployment Tradeoff. European Journal of Political Economy, 21, pp. 1-32.
  • Bande, R. and M.Karanassou (2014). Spanish Regional Unemployment Revisited. Regional Studies, 48 (11), pp.1863-1883.
  • Karanassou, M. and H.Sala (2012). Inequality and Employment Sensitivities to the Falling Labour Share. Economic and Social Review, 43 (3), pp. 343-376.
  • Karanassou, M. and H.Sala (2012). Productivity Growth and the Phillips Curve: A Reassessment of the US Experience. Bulletin of Economic Research, 64 (3), pp. 344-366.
  • Karanassou, M. and H.Sala (2012). Distributional Consequences of Capital Accumulation, Globalisation and Financialization in the US. IZA Discussion Paper 6251, Bonn, Germany. (also Working paper 695, Queen Mary, University of London, UK.).
  • Karanassou, M. and H.Sala (2010). The US Inflation-Unemployment Trade-Off Revisited: New Evidence for Policy Making. Journal of Policy Modelling, 32 (6), pp. 758-777.
  • Karanassou, M. and H.Sala (2010). Labour Market Dynamics in Australia: What Drives Unemployment? Economic Record, 86 (273), pp. 185-209.
  • Bande, R. and M.Karanassou (2009). Labour Market Flexibility and Regional Unemployment Rate Dynamics: Spain 1980-1995. Papers in Regional Science, 88 (1), pp. 181-207.
  • Karanassou, M. and H.Sala (2009). The Rise and Fall of Spanish Unemployement: A Chain Reaction Perspective. International Papers in Political Economy, ch.6, pp. 209-254. Palgrave-Macmillan.
  • Karanassou, M., H.Sala and D.J.Snower (2008). The Evolution of Inflation and Unemployment: Explaining the Roaring Nineties. Australian Economic Paper, 47 (4), pp.334-354.
  • Karanassou, M., H.Sala and P.F.Salvador (2008). Capital Accumulation and Unemployment: New Insights on the Nordic Experience. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 32 (6), pp. 977-1001.
  • Karanassou, M., H.Sala and P.F.Salvador (2008). The (IR)Relevance of the NRU for Policy Making. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 55 (3), pp. 369-392.
  • Karanassou, M., H.Sala and D.J.Snower (2008). Long-Run Inflation-Unemployment Dynamics: The Spanish Phillips Curve and Economic Policy. Journal of Policy Modelling, 30 (2), pp. 279-300.
  • Karanassou, M. and D.J.Snowere (2008). Inflation Persistence and the Phillips Curve Revisited. IZA Discussion Paper 2600, Bonn, Germany.
  • Karanassou, M., H.Sala and D.J.Snower (2007). The Macroeconomics of the Labour Market: Three Fundamental Views. Portuguese Economic Journal, 6 (3), pp. 151-180.
  • Karanassou, M. and D.J.Snower (2004). Unemployment Invariance. German Economic Review, 5 (3), pp. 297-317.
  • Hatgioannides, J., Karanasos, M., and M.Karanassou (2004). Permanent and Transitory Components in a Continuous-Time Model of the Term Structure. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. 1(2).
  • Karanasos, M., Karanassou, M. and S.Fountas (2004). Analyzing US Inflation by a GARCH Model with Simultaneous Feedback. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, 1, pp. 767-772.
  • Hatgioannides, J., Karanasos, M. and M.Karanassou (2004). Modelling the Yield Curve: A Two Components Approach. Working Paper 519, Queen Mary, University of London, UK. Download.
  • Karanassou, M., H.Sala and D.J.Snower (2003). The European Phillips Curve: Does the NAIRU Exist?. Applied Economics Quarterly, 49, pp. 93-121.
  • Karanassou, M., H.Sala and D.J.Snower (2003). Unemployment in the European Union: A Dynamic Reappraisal. Economic Modelling, 20 (2), pp. 237-273.
  • Karanassou, M. and D.J.Snower (2003). An Anatomy of the Phillips Curve. IZA Discussion Paper 635, Bonn, Germany.
  • Alexiou, C., Karanasos, M. and M.Karanassou (2003). Stability Pact and Interest Rate Spillovers: Evidence from Two EU Countries. Political Economy, 13, pp. 31-55.
  • Henry, B., Karanassou, M. and D.J Snower (2000). Adjustment Dynamics and the Natural Rate: An Account of UK Unemployment. Oxford Economic papers, 52 (1), pp. 178-2013.
  • Karanassou, M. and D.J.Snower (1996). Explaining Disparities in Unemployment Dynamics. In Baldassari, M., Paganetto, L. and E.S.Phelps (Eds), The 1990’s Slump: Causes and Cures, Macmillan Press and Rivista di Politica Economica.
  • Henry, S.G.B. and M.Karanassou (1996). The UK Labour Market. In S.G.B.Henry and D.J.Snower (Eds), Economic Policies and Unemployment Dynamics in Europe, International Monetary Fund Publications.